Cuby 500




If it's not for the boys...It's for the birds!

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Pack 149 Cuby 500!
No-Prep Cub Car Rally
September 18th
4:00 - 6:00 PM


Rules For The Cars

  1. Cars are made of cardboard, painted and decorated real cool. (Remember, weight is a factor.) All Dens will be given 30 minutes to build and make their car "Race Ready".
  2. Only cars built the day of the race are eligible to race. No cars made prior to the day of the race can enter. All of your pieces can be pre-made if desired, but must be assembled in the "Pits"
  3. Put your Den number on the car as big as possible
  4. Cars should hold at least 2 cubs. Cars are powered by feet; nothing else. Like a Flintstone car but without seats.
  5. Cubs will need to enter and exit the cars quickly to complete the pit stop activities.
  6. No sharp edges, corners or fasteners. Nothing can stick through in the interior of the car where the Cubs will be "riding".
  7. Nothing flammable, toxic, hazardous or in anyway environmentally unfriendly can be used on the cars. Cub Scouts is a Green organization.


Race Description

  • Staggered start where we will send off 2 cars at a time. Start order is Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and then Webelos.

  • Each team car will have to complete enough laps so that every cub in the larger den has the opportunity to race. This may mean that cubs in the smaller den will run more than one lap.

  • Parents can escort the cars around the track, especially through the water hazard area. (Parents, you may want to bring a slicker)

  • Each driver and passenger will have to fuel up with slushy fuel right before the starting signal.

Pit-Stop Activities

There are 5 Pit-Stops, each run by Pit-Stop Officers.


Pit-Stop #1:    

Clean the windshield.

Each driver will be given goggles to wear.  The goggles need to be sprayed with water and wiped clean.


Pit-Stop #2:    

Switch driver with passenger.

Passenger and driver change places as quickly as possible.


Pit-Stop #3:    

Change tires for the water hazard ahead!

Driver and passenger will have have special tires (flippers) in place to navigate slick road area. Watch out and try not to get wet!.


 Pit-Stop #4: 

Tire Check

After the water hazard area, the Race Safety inspector must remove the special water hazard equipment, and inspect the "tires" to make sure they are still race worthy.


Pit-Stop #5:

Crew Change.

Change out driver and passenger with new cub driver and passenger.


Pit-Stop #5 will also be the finish line after all Den members have run the course.

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Family Campout
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The Annual Blue & Gold Banquet

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Blue Santa

Cake Bake
The Anyone Cake Bake & Auction!

It's all about the `corn!

popcorn info


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No Prep Skit Night Photo's
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scouting related links and resources


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Bear & Webelo Space Center Houston Over night Trip
USS Lexington

Any comments, questions, suggestions, broken links or something you want added for your Den?

Contact the webmaster: