Pack Comm. Sign Up




If it's not for the boys...It's for the birds!

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Regardless of the size of the pack committee, these responsibilities must be performed:

  • Make recommendations to the chartered organization for final approval of pack leadership.
  • Recruit the Cubmaster and one or more assistant Cubmasters, with the chartered organization's approval.
  • Provide adequate and safe facilities for pack meetings.
  • Coordinate the pack's program and the chartered organization's program through the chartered organization representative.
  • Help with pack charter renewal.
  • Help stimulate the interest of adult family members through proper programming.
  • Supervise finances and equipment.
  • Work closely with the Cubmaster.
  • Ensure that all Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts receive a year-round, quality program.
  • Complete pack committee Fast Start Training and Basic Leader Training for the position.
  • Conduct, with the help of the Cubmaster, periodic training for parents and guardians.
  • Cooperate with other Scouting units.

A strong pack committee will have individual members assigned to such areas as record keeping and correspondence, finances, advancement, training, public relations, and membership and re-registration.



[Position Currently Open]


Keep informed of all Cub Scouting literature, materials, records, and forms to help leaders function effectively. Help new den leaders by telling them what resources are available. Acquaint den leaders with the contents of the Pack Record Book so that they will know how to supply the information that should be recorded there.

  • Maintain up-to-date information on membership, leadership, attendance, and advancement in the Pack Record Book.
  • Maintain an inventory of pack property.
  • Handle correspondence for the pack. This may include writing letters of appreciation and requests for reservations, or ordering supplies through the local council service center.
  • Keep notes on business conducted at pack leaders' meetings. Record only key items such as things needing follow-up or items for the history of the pack.
  • Notify leaders of pack leaders' meetings and other activities.
  • Provide den leaders with records and forms for meetings.

If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please click on the e-mail link below to send your contact info or get more information about this position.


I'd like to volunteer for the Pack Secretary Position 



[Cathy Kothlow]


  • Help the pack committee and Cubmaster establish a sound financial program for the pack with a pack budget plan.
  • Open or maintain a bank account in the pack's name and arrange for all transactions to be signed by any two of the Cubmaster, pack committee chair, secretary, or treasurer.
  • Approve all budget expenditures. Check all disbursements against budget allowances, and pay bills by check. The pack committee chair should approve bills before payment.
  • Keep up-to-date financial records. Enter all income and expenditures under the proper budget item in the finance section of the Pack Record Book. Credit each Cub Scout with payment of dues. From time to time, compare the records with those of the den leaders to make sure they agree. Give leadership in developing a coordinated record-keeping system in the pack.
  • Be responsible for thrift training within the pack. Encourage each den leader to explain the pack financial plan to each boy and his family so that boys will accept responsibility for paying dues and family members will be alert to opportunities for boys to earn dues money and develop habits of thrift.
  • Remind Den Leaders of the scholarship program within the pack for boys of families that might have trouble meeting the dues obligation.
  • Periodically report on the pack's financial condition at the monthly pack leaders' meeting. Make regular monthly reports to the pack committee at the pack leaders' meeting, and report to the chartered organization as often as desirable on the financial condition of the pack.
  • Provide petty cash needed by leaders. Keep a record of expenditures.
  • Guide the pack in conducting council-approved pack money-earning projects. 

If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please click on the e-mail link below to send your contact info or get more information about this position.. Cathy will be moving on to Boy Scouts at the end of 2004, and someone is needed to fill her position.


 I'd like to volunteer for the Pack Treasurer Position 



[Currently Awards Chair: Patti Bethke]


  • Have a working knowledge of the Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos Scout advancement plans.
  • Arrange for Tiger Cub graduation ceremonies with the Cubmaster and Tiger Cub den leader.
  • Train parents, guardians, and pack committee members in ways to stimulate Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos Scout advancement.
  • Arrange for Webelos graduation ceremonies with the Cubmaster, Webelos den leader, and Scoutmaster.
  • Promote the use of Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos Scout den advancement charts to record advancement in the den and as an incentive for advancement.
  • Promote the use of den doodles as a stimulus for advancement.
  • Collect den advancement reports at pack leaders' meetings for use when ordering badges and insignia from the local council service center.
  • Promote Boys' Life magazine as an aid to advancement.
  • Help build or obtain advancement equipment for use in making advancement ceremonies more effective.
  • Promote the wearing and proper use of uniform and insignia.

If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please click on the e-mail link below to send your contact info or get more information about this position.. Patti will be moving on to Boy Scouts at the end of 2004, and someone is needed to fill her position.


  I'd like to volunteer for the Pack Treasurer Position 



[Ben Corbitt]


  • Stimulate pack service projects in the chartered organization, school, and community.
  • Promote family participation in all pack events, such as blue and gold banquets, pack picnics, and other special events.
  • Urge pack participation in appropriate programs of the chartered organization.
  • Suggest ways of showing interest in the chartered organization's overall program.
  • Publicize and promote pack participation in Scouting Anniversary Week activities.
  • Circulate Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos Scout recruiting fliers and leaflets to invite boys to join. Work with the pack committee to promote new membership.
  • Consider using a monthly or quarterly pack newsletter to inform families of pack plans, guide new parents and guardians in pack policies, and create a feeling of unity among members of the pack family.
  • Provide pack announcements for regular release in the official bulletins, newsletters, Web sites, etc., of your chartered organization.



[Norma Six]


  • Help the Cubmaster plan and arrange for outdoor activities.
  • Arrange for property, fire, and tour permits when required.
  • Locate new picnic and outing areas and opportunities.
  • Arrange for safe transportation when needed.
  • Plan first aid for emergencies.
  • Help Webelos den leaders plan Webelos overnight campouts. Help arrange for equipment, as needed.
  • Arrange for Safe Swim Defense implementation for all outings involving swimming.
  • Plan outings to help pack and dens qualify for the National Summertime Pack Award.
  • Help inform parents and guardians about opportunities for family camping.
  • Ensure that at least one adult has completed Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) (see Chapter 33, "Cub Scout Camping" in the Cub Leader Book) before any pack campout.
  • Help promote day camp and resident camp opportunities.
  • Be aware of BSA health and safety requirements and see that they are implemented.
  • Know and carry out BSA outdoor program policy related to Cub Scouting.
  • Review all activities to ensure that unit leaders comply with BSA policies in the Guide to Safe Scouting.

If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please click on the e-mail link below to send your contact info or get more information about this position.. Norma will be moving on to Boy Scouts at the end of 2004, and someone is needed to fill her position.


 I'd like to volunteer for the Pack Outings Coordinator Position 


Fund Raising Chair

[Formerly Popcorn Chair; Position Currently Open]


  • This position works closely with the Friends of Scouting Chair, Pack Treasurer and the Outings Coordinator.
  • Responsible for all Pack fundraising endeavors, including the annual Popcorn Drive.
  • Explore new avenues of fundraising for the Pack.
  • Help create strategies to utilize funds raised through fund raising efforts to help fund and alleviate the individual family burden for FOS.

If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please click on the e-mail link below to send your contact info or get more information about this position..


I'd like to volunteer for the Pack Fund Raising Coordinator Position  



[Previously Part of Charter Org. Rep. Position Open]

  • Prepare re-registration papers and an annual report to the chartered organization. Secure signatures and registration fees for the coming year.
  • Ask the chartered organization representative to submit a charter application and annual report to the chartered organization for approval.
  • Arrange for periodic uniform inspections with the unit commissioner. At least a month before charter expiration, also arrange for the annual membership inventory, a uniform inspection, and the annual charter review meeting.
  • Help the Cubmaster and chartered organization representative with any charter presentation details.
  • Conduct an annual census of boys in the chartered organization for systematic recruitment. Work with pack committee members to promote recruitment plans.
  • Work with the Cubmaster and pack committee to develop and carry out a plan for year-round membership growth.
  • Work with the Cubmaster and pack committee to see -that eligible Tiger Cubs transition into a Wolf den at the appropriate time. -that eligible Wolf Cub Scouts or 9-year-old Cub Scouts transition into a Bear den at the appropriate time. -that eligible Bear Cub Scouts or 10-year-old Cub Scouts transition into a Webelos den at the appropriate time. -that Webelos Scouts and parents or guardians have a smooth transition into a Boy Scout troop.
  • Work with the Cubmaster in following up on former pack members who are now Boy Scouts and potential den chiefs.
  • Follow up on Cub Scout dropouts to help return them to full, active membership.

If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please click on the e-mail link below to send your contact info or get more information about this position..


I'd like to volunteer for the Membership & Re-registration Coordinator Position  



Brenda Hessney

  • Build an organization to enroll family members and Cub Scout leaders in FOS.
  • Enroll as a Friend of Scouting.
  • Attend an FOS kickoff meeting. 
  • Give recognition to contributors and enrollees.
  • Work closely with the pack committee on public relations for FOS.




The Chartered Organization Representative

[Elizabeth Vetter]


  • Help select the right leadership for the unit.
  • Encourage unit leaders and committee members to take training.
  • Promote well-planned unit programs.
  • Serve as a liaison between the units and the organization.
  • Promote the recruiting of new members.
  • See that boys transition from unit to unit.
  • Help with the charter renewal.
  • Suggest Good Turns for the organization.
  • Cultivate organization leaders.
  • Encourage outdoor program activities.
  • Emphasize advancement and recognition.
  • Utilize district help and promote the use of district personnel and materials.
  • Use approved unit finance policies.
  • Encourage recognition of leaders.
  • Cultivate resources to support the organization.
  • Represent the organization at the council level.

The chartered organization representative is the direct contact between the pack and the chartered organization. This individual is also the organization's contact with the district committee and the local council. The chartered organization representative may become a member of the district committee and is a voting member of the council.


The Pack Trainer Role

[Position Currently Open]


  • Conducting orientation of new families and pack leaders. (See Chapter 10 of the Cub Scout Leader Book, "Den and Pack Management.")
  • Training each new leader and pack committee member for his or her specific position, using material provided by the BSA.
  • Helping with Unit Leadership Enhancements during pack leaders' meetings.
  • Conducting other training as designated by the district and/or council.
  • Encouraging pack leaders to attend ongoing training, such as roundtable, pow wow or University of Scouting, outdoor training, Youth Protection training, and Wood Badge.
  • Remaining current with training material and program updates.
  • Keeping track of pack training records.

The goal of the pack trainer is to have 100 percent of the pack leadership trained in their position responsibilities. New leaders and adult family members should receive orientation within one week of joining the pack, and leaders should receive position-specific training within 30 days.  


I'd like to volunteer for the Pack Trainer Position  

The Pack Committee Chair

[Ben Corbitt]


  • Maintain a close relationship with the chartered organization representative, keeping this key person informed of the needs of the pack that must be brought to the attention of the organization or the district.
  • Report to the chartered organization to cultivate harmonious relations.
  • Confer with the Cubmaster on policy matters relating to Cub Scouting and the chartered organization.
  • Supervise pack committee operation by
  1. Calling and presiding at pack leaders' meetings.
  2. Assigning duties to committee members.
  3. Planning for pack charter review, roundup, and re-registration.
  4. Approving bills before payment by the pack treasurer.
  • Conduct the annual pack program planning conference and pack leaders' meetings.
  • Complete pack committee Fast Start Training and Basic Leader Training for the position.
  • Ask the committee to assist with recommendations for Cubmaster, assistant Cubmasters, Tiger Cub Den leaders, Cub Scout den leaders, and Webelos den leaders, as needed.
  • Recognize the need for more dens, and see that new dens are formed as needed.
  • Work with the chartered organization representative to provide adequate and safe facilities for pack meetings.
  • Cooperate with the Cubmaster on council-approved money-earning projects so the pack can earn money for materials and equipment.
  • Manage finances through adequate financial records.
  • Maintain adequate pack records and take care of pack property.
  • If the Cubmaster is unable to serve, assume active direction of the pack until a successor is recruited and registered.
  • Appoint a committee member or other registered adult to be responsible for Youth Protection training.
  • Provide a training program for adult family members.
  • Develop and maintain strong pack-troop relationships, sharing with the troop committee the need for graduations into the troop.
  • Work closely with the unit commissioner and other pack and troop leaders in bringing about a smooth transition of Webelos Scouts into the troop.
  • Help bring families together at joint activities for Webelos dens (or packs) and Boy Scout troops. Support the policies of the BSA.


The Assistant Cubmaster Role

Cesar Gonzales


Every pack should have at least one assistant Cubmaster. In most packs, two or three will be helpful, allowing, the Cubmaster to divide responsibilities. We need at least two.


  • Help the Cubmaster as needed. Be ready to fill in for the Cubmaster, if necessary.
  • Complete Cubmaster Fast Start Training and position-specific Basic Leader Training. Attend monthly roundtables.
  • Participate in pack meetings.
  • Supervise den chiefs and see that they are trained.
  • Conduct the monthly den chief planning meeting for all den leaders, assistant den leaders, and den chiefs to plan and coordinate weekly den meetings and pack meeting participation.
  • Work with neighborhood troops that supply den chiefs and into which Webelos Scouts may graduate.
  • Help inform pack leaders of training opportunities and arrange for them to attend training sessions.
  • Work with the pack committee to develop and promote an ongoing plan for recruiting new boys.
  • Work with the Cubmaster and pack committee on pack re-registration.
  • Help with pack activities, such as dinners, derbies, bike safety workshops, service projects, etc.
  • Work with the pack committee on outings to see that the pack and dens qualify for the National Summertime Pack Award.
  • Participate in the annual pack program planning conference and pack leaders' meetings.
  • Promote the religious emblems program.
  • Support the policies of the BSA.

If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please click on the e-mail link below to send your contact info or get more information about this position.. We have 1 Assistant Cub Master and we need at least one more.


 I'd like to volunteer for the Ast. Cubmaster Position  


The Cubmaster Role

[Bruce Martin]


  • Conduct a pack program according to the policies of the BSA.
  • Complete Cubmaster Fast Start Training and position-specific Basic Leader Training. Attend monthly roundtables.
  • Plan and help carry out the Cub Scout program in the pack. This includes leading the monthly pack meeting, with the help of other leaders.
  • Help the pack committee with a year-round recruitment plan for recruiting boys into Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouting, and Webelos Scouting.
  • Know about and use the appropriate and available literature, including Boys' Life and Scouting magazines, Cub Scout Program Helps, and the Webelos Leader Guide.
  • See that the pack program, leaders, and Cub Scouts positively reflect the interests and objectives of the chartered organization and the BSA.
  • Work with the pack committee on (1) program ideas, (2) selecting and recruiting adult leaders, and (3) establishing a budget plan.
  • Guide and support den leaders. See that they receive the required training for their positions.
  • Help organize Webelos dens and encourage graduation into a Boy Scout troop.
  • Help establish and maintain good relationships with Boy Scout troops.
  • Maintain good relationships with parents and guardians. Seek their support and include them in activities. Involve male relatives such as uncles and grandfathers so that Cub Scouts will have additional male role models.
  • See that Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts receive a quality, year-round program filled with fun and activities that qualify the dens and pack for the National Summertime Pack Award.
  • Guide Cub Scouts in goodwill and conservation projects.
  • See that the responsibilities specified for the assistant Cubmaster are carried out.
  • Help the pack committee chair conduct the annual pack program planning conference and the monthly pack leaders' meetings.
  • Work as a team with the pack committee chair to cultivate, educate, and motivate all pack leaders and parents or guardians in Cub Scouting.
  • Take part in the charter review meeting and annual charter presentation ceremony.
  • Request den chiefs for all dens and, after selection, see that they are trained. Recognize the den chiefs at pack meetings.
  • Conduct an impressive graduation ceremony for Tiger Cubs.
  • Meet with the unit commissioner, Webelos den leader, and Scoutmaster to establish plans for the Webelos Scouts' transition to Boy Scouting.
  • Help plan and conduct impressive Webelos graduation ceremonies involving parents and guardians, the Scoutmaster, the Webelos den chief, the Webelos den leader, and the troop junior leaders.
  • Conduct impressive Arrow of Light Award ceremonies.
  • Encourage high advancement standards from all Cub Scouts.
  • Help bring families together at joint activities for Webelos dens (or packs) and Boy Scout troops.
  • Support the policies of the BSA.

In general, the Cubmaster (sometimes referred to as the unit leader) is the guiding hand behind the work of other pack leaders and serves as program adviser to the pack committee. He or she is a recruiter, supervisor, director, planner, and motivator of other leaders.

The Cubmaster's main responsibilities are to

  • Work directly with the pack trainer, Tiger Cub den leaders, Cub Scout den leaders, Webelos den leaders, den chiefs, and pack committee chair and members to make sure that all dens are functioning well.
  • Plan the den and pack programs with the help of other leaders.
  • Lead the monthly pack meeting with the help of others. Involve all dens in some way.
  • Coordinate the total Cub Scout program in the pack.


Everything that the Cubmaster does is aimed at helping the individual boy. Securing strong leaders, planning den and pack activities, advising other leaders and adult family members-these are all ways in which the Cubmaster affects the kind of Cub Scouting each boy in the pack is offered. The Cubmaster directly influences the lives of individual boys by keeping in mind that boys can become better through Cub Scouting.
The most important thing to remember when considering which position you would like to help fill is that no matter where you are in the Scouting program, you are NEVER alone. There are many people that are available to help you with whatever material and resources you made need. Never hesitate to ask your Den Leaders for directions, and never think that your Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmasters, and Pack Committee Chairman aren’t available to you. Every one of us has the same goal and purpose; to make Cub Scouting a valuable, fun and educational program for your boys. As a great Scout leader once said, “If it’s not for the boys, it’s for the birds”.

Black Light Bowling Pics
Family Campout
Pinewood Derby


The Annual Blue & Gold Banquet

Zilker Park Trail of Lights


Blue Santa

Cake Bake
The Anyone Cake Bake & Auction!

It's all about the `corn!

popcorn info


Bear Ceremony Pic's

No Prep Skit Night Photo's
Black Light Bowling




scouting related links and resources


Pack It In Clothing Drive
Bear & Webelo Space Center Houston Over night Trip
USS Lexington

Any comments, questions, suggestions, broken links or something you want added for your Den?

Contact the webmaster: