Meeting Resources




If it's not for the boys...It's for the birds!

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Meeting Aids for the Cub Scout Leader


A Mega-Resource For Scout Meetings!

Contained on these pages are thousands of Scout Leader resources that can be used to 'spice-up' any Pack or Den meeting. These resources are the works of hundreds of Scouters and Guiders around the World. We have performed exhaustive searches of the Web, UseNet, and Discussion Lists to build this collection, and we believe that this is the most extensive resource of it's kind. If you can't find what you are looking for here, let us know, and we'll find it for you!


Baloo's Bugle

If you aren't in the habit of downloading your copy of Baloo's Bugle each month, then you just don't know what you're missing! The Bugle is an on-line powerhouse of Cub Scouting resources designed to keep your monthly program 'on-theme,' fun, and educational. This has recently become one of my favorite resources. I highly recommend it.

  Songs, Yells, Chants
Show 'em your Scouting spirit.
  Cub Scout Crafts and Projects
Fun stuff to make in a meeting.
  Skits for the Den and Pack
There's a HAM in every Cub.
  Games and Fun Stuff
Cool games to play.






Songs, Yells, Chants

    Who Says You Can't Become a Conductor? - We included this link first in our Song-Links collection for obvious reasons! Sometime or other, every Scouter is called upon to conduct a sing song. And that's easy, you just say, "One, two, three sing!", right? Well, unless the song is three beats to a bar and starts off on beat one, you may find yourself trying to lead chaos.

    Songs from Campfire Chaos - Action Songs, quiet songs, Cub songs, and Beaver songs including: The Ants, Pizza Hut, Boom Chick a Boom, Black Crow Sprit, Old MacDonald, Alice the Camel, The Elephant, The Chicken Song, Gopher Guts, March in the Army, Splat, My Bonnie, Canoe Song, Scout Vespers, Make New Friends, We're All Together Again, Tarzan Song, Charlie is a pigeon, Little Cabin, Grey Squirrel, I'm a little Beaver, The Cat Came Back, and more!

    Songs for Scouts - Macscouter - The MacScouter Songs for Scouts collection has grown quite large. It has now expanded beyond Gross Songs to include some good old Campfire Songs, silly songs and chants and songs for Leaders. The Campfire Songs included here are ones that are not that easy to find. Also, you may NOT find some very familiar songs here. Turns out that lots of songs we sing around the campfire are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced on a Web Site. While you are visiting MacScouter, stop by the MacScouter's Bookstore. if you're looking for camping and youth group songbooks.

    The Guide Zone Songbook! - GuideZone - Included in these pages are a vast number of songs, gathered from all over the globe. They are broken down into the following categories: Introduction and Warm-up songs, Rounds, Silly Action Songs, Yells, Chants and Repeating Songs, Other Silly Songs, Slower Songs, Guiding-Themed Songs, Miscellaneous Songs, Graces, Vespers and Closings You are welcome to print these songs from the GuideZone web-site, of downloaded to your local computer. The downloads are each in a ZIP compressed text file that can be viewed and printed from most any application.

    Jayne's Song Book - From Jayne Nielsen of the Cambridge University Scout and Guide Club, this collection of 64 songs are indexed by: Opening Songs, General Songs, Action Songs, Rounds, Shouts, Guide's Own, Quiet Songs, and Closing Songs These songs are good ones for Cubs!

    The Lakewood Children's Songbook - From Nick DiFlavio, of Niagara University in western New York, an excellent songbook for Cub Scouts! Over 110 songs for Cubs and sibs to sing around the campfire, or in a Pack (or Den) meeting. Songs are indexed alphabetically.

    The Digital Traditions Folksong Database Search Page - This is a searchable index of the Digital Tradition Folk Song Database, containing over 6500 songs! Type in the name of the song you're looking for, and WHOOP there it is!

    Songs for Scouts to Sing - This collection, compiled by Neil B. Savage, contains words to songs that reflect time-honored singing traditions of various Scout organizations in English-speaking nations. It omits songs with lyrics that are closely identified with a specific Scout organization, focusing instead on those would appeal to any sort of Scout or Guide, boy or girl. Songs are catgorized by: Universal Scout Songs, Action songs, Silly songs, Songs of the Sea, Reverent songs, Graces, Songs with Biblical themes, Heritage songs, and Patriotic songs.

    More Songs for Scouts to Sing - This the second volume of words to songs that reflect time-honored singing traditions of various Scout organizations in English-speaking nations. As with the first volume, it is short on songs with lyrics that are specific to a particular Scout organization, focusing instead on those would appeal to any sort of Scout or Guide, boy or girl. Songs are catgorized by: Action songs, Friendship, Love, and Peace songs, National Anthem, Rounds and Part songs, Silly songs, Traditional, and Western songs.

    For Scouts' Own - A "Scouts Own" is an inspirational ceremony, usually built around a central theme, such as friendship, world peace, save the earth, or appreciation of the world around us. Neil Savage has collected 87 "Scouts Own's" that are documented on these pages. Just about any topic consistent with the principles and program goals of Scouting is appropriate. The important thing is that it be the work of the kids themselves---from start to finish. Developed originally for Girl Scouting, many of these pieces are universal, and translate well into Cub Scouting.

    Campfire Song Book - From the South African Scouting Collection - An excellent collection of over 100 International Scouting songs. Songs are catagorized by: Traditional campfire - serious, Scouts own, Traditional campfire - religious, Action songs, Call-and-response, Everyone knows it, classics, Old classics, Teams of verses, Rounds, Easy to catch on, Audience adds verses, Classic childrens songs, Silly variations, Americana, Scout camp songs, Almost crude but not, Crude songs, Joseph, It ain't gonna rain no more, Well you can't get to heaven,Pop songs, Gross songs, Spoken, Skit songs, Party pieces, Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika, Simon & Garfunkel, Serious Pop, Classic Pop, Sad Songs,

    Scouting Songbook - From the Jim Speirs Scouting Page in Ontario Canada, this is a VERY vast collection! Jim says: "This Songbook is a compilation of songs that I have collected over the years, either from training handouts, local publications, and a couple of old Scout songbooks that came into my possession. I really didn't realize how many there were until I started to index them all. It has been supplemented by songs from Rob Quianthy's web site, which, sad to say, is no longer operating. All is not 'lost', however... Rob sent me copies of all of his collection, so I've converted his files to my format and included them here. :)"

    Tiger Cub Songs - From the great folks at Pow Wow OnLine - Resources for Cub Scout Leaders, these songs are just for Tigers! All time hits include: "Tiger, Tiger, Little Scout, Good Tiger Cubs, T-I-G-E-R, and of course Tiger Cub Vespers.

    Mike Pierce's Songbook - A nice collection of Scouting songs compiled by Mike Pierce of Wichata, KS, Songs are catagorized by: Action Songs, Traditional Songs, Scouting Songs, Camp Specific Songs, Patiotic Songs, National Anthem, Songs to Battle Hymn Tune, Inspirational Songs, Reverent Songs, Rounds, Silly Songs, Miscelanious Songs, and Acknowledgements

    Campfire Sing-Along - From Cottage Country Online, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, this site contains 72 alpha-indexed, Cub approved songs. As they wax poetic.... "The warmth of flame on sun-drenched skin, and the sweet melody of voices rising up into a star-bright sky . . . the fireside sing-along marks the end of a perfect cottage day! For many of us the tune is unforgettable, but the words may fade with time. We hope this collection of old favourites will help spark some happy memories for you."

    Scout Song Book - US Scouting Service Project - Compiled by Rick Rambo, Portland, OR, this is a large collection consisting of 110 songs. Rick says: "This Song book was created in an effort to get my troop to be more interested in singing, as a part of my Woodbadge ticket. I used PC Write when I was creating the book, so some reformatting might be necessary if you want to use the whole book, but you might just want to use it as a resource for more songs for your unit."

    Nederlands Talige Song Pagina - From the Woudlopers/R. Kipling groep in Holland, this large collection offers both a 'frames' and 'no-frames' version of the song-book. The focus here is songs for older Scouts, but there are some good ones for Cubs too. The site contains 105 songs that are indexed alphabetically. Not all of these songs are in English, but hey, not all Scouts speak English either! Check 'em out!

    Grant's Scouting Songbook - From Grant O'Neil in Perth, Australia, this is an excellent collection of over 50 songs for Scouts. Grant has taken Scout Song-sites to a new level, as well, by adding AUDIO for most of the songs in his collection (MIDI or WAV plug-in required)! Songs are indexed by the following catagories: Traditional Scouting Songs, Opening, Action Songs, Rounds, Lively, Fun, Quieter - for near the end, Closing, Miscellaneous (Skits etc.)

    Campfire Cheers from The Virtual Campsite - A giant list of cheers for your Pack Cheer-master. These cheers are short and sweet. They are great for bringing your group together, recognizing someone for a job well-done, and waking up your 'sleepers.'

    Cheers, Yells and Applause's - More great work from "The Virtual Campsite" as compiled by Daniel R. Mott, Roundtable Staff District 23, West Jordan, Utah (With a couple contributions by Gary Hendra, Pack 105, Milpitas, CA) "Applause stunts are a great way to recognize a person or den/patrol in a troop/pack meeting for some accomplishment they have performed. Be sure before you start that everyone knows and understands the applause stunt and how to do it. Applause stunts serve more then one purpose they not only provide recognition but also help liven up a meeting. Applause stunts need to be fun. Strive for quality of performance in your stunts.

    Lullabies and Other Songs for Children - From Terry Frewin, Victoria, Vancouver, Canada, this collection includes over 520 (!) songs. This is a nice collection for younger Scouts. All songs are indexed alphabetically, and each song is displayed on it's own page to facilitate printing. Nice job, Terry!

    Songs from the Scouters Belay - From Jeff Menaker, in the Cradle of Liberty Council in Pennsylvania, this nice collection has it's roots in the Delmont Scout Reservation's 1996 Songbook. It has been updated and added to over the years, and now contains dozens of songs that are alphabetically indexed. Included are: Action Songs, Traditional Songs, Scouting Songs, Patriotic Songs, Songs with Battle Hymn Tune, Silly Songs, Gross Songs, Cheers, Run ons, and short skits. Nice job!


    Search the Net for MORE Scouting Songs!


    UseNet Songs Discussions - Search the UseNet rec.scouting discussion groups for 'Cub Scout Song' ideas.

    SCOUTS-L on Scouting Songs - Search the SCOUTS-L archives for topics involving Scouting Songs. SCOUTS-L is the roundtable that never ends, and now contains over 7 years of Scouting discussion wisdom.

    Search the Web for Scouting Songs - Search the AltaVista index for Web-sites you can visit, that contain information on 'Cub Scout Songs' ideas.




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Cub Scout Crafts

    Crafts from Guide Zone - From Guide Zone ("Guide's Own") in Canada. Literally hundreds of craft projects that are designed for kids in Scouting and Guiding programs. Check this one out!

    Tiger Cub Activities and Crafts - From Pow Wow OnLine - Resources for Cub Scout Leaders, these crafts projects are for Tiger Cubs ONLY. Included are: Gathering Activity - Block Puzzle, Peanut Totem, Totem Pole, Nametag Necklace, Toothpick Name Tag , and a Tiger Tales Scrapbook.

    Yahooligan's Craft Sites for Kids - You could spend all day here! Over 25 great websites with crafts projects just for kids!

    Ben Franklin Crafts - Here are some great craft ideas you can make at home. Just choose your project and click to see all the instructions and materials list you will need to complete the project. Simply print out the instructions and you will be ready to start.

    Aunt Annie's Crafts - Aunt Annie's Crafts takes the craft how-to book one step further by putting it on the computer and taking advantage of the flexibility that the computer offers.

    WWW.FUNROOM.COM - Cool craft projects for kids incliding Paper Bag Puppet, Chalk, Paint, Paper Mache', Play Clay, Colored Sand. Also includes a special Game Area, a Summer Section, a Halloween Section, a Happy Holidays section, Valentine Pages, and an Easter Section.

    Craft for and/or by Kids - Created by Jacinta Thomler. Includes over 100 crafts projects for kids. Contentsinclude Play Dough, Heart Lunch Bags, Paper plate Duck Masks, Baskets, Gelatin Hearts, Egg carton Mini-Easter Baskets, Turtles, Heart Sandwiches, Eggshell Mosaic, Star Trees, Milking Party Cow, and Egg Decorating to name just a few.

    Michaels Crafts for Kids - Dozens of cool kid's projects including: Fun With Felt, Fun Foam Play Hats, Craft Stick Cuties, Night in the City Fun Mug, Under the Sea Fun Mug, Feather Photo Holder, Kitty Face Fun Button, Rottweiler Fun Button, Maxwell's Paper Roses, Color Weave Projects, Beaded Flag and Cross Necklace, Two-Way Picture, Rainbow Banner, Stars & Stripes Tee & Cap, Button Game, Spoon Puppets, Pop-Up Cards, Tic Tac Tote, Fishing Fun, Pencil Top Pals, Tri-Bead Clown, Critters, Fun Canvas Bags, Fun Time Magnets, Puppets In The Bag, Fun Foam Desk Set, Bunny Cup, Bunny Face, Potted Posie-Os, Stained Glass Potted Candle, Breezy Windsock, and Visor and Frame.

    Idea Box - This site is dedicated to the education of young children. It contains crafts and craft recipes, ideas, articles, projects, seasonal themes, and printable pages; all to help teach your children in a fun and interesting way! A really GREAT site!

    Craft Recipies - The "Jim Speirs Scouting Page" presents this large collection of 'Craft Recipies' that utilize food stuffs and safe household ingredients. All of these recipes (and at least 100 more) will be available in booklet format. Details are available on this page.


    Search the Net for MORE Scouting Crafts!


    UseNet Crafts Discussions - Search the UseNet rec.scouting and alt.crafts discussion groups for 'Cub Scout Craft' ideas. Share your ideas with others. Lots of info here!

    SCOUTS-L on Scouting Crafts - Search the SCOUTS-L archives for topics involving Scouting Crafts. SCOUTS-L is the roundtable that never ends, and now contains over 7 years of Scouting discussion wisdom.

    Search the Web for Scouting Crafts - Search the AltaVista index for Web-sites you can visit, that contain information on 'Cub Scout Crafts' ideas.

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Skits for the Den and Pack

    "Cub Scout Skits For You And Me" - An anthology of over 65 Pow Wow skits collected over the years by Jean Poulton of the Eagle District, Otetiana Council, BSA. This collection was documented by Frank Bov, and placed into the public domain. Clicking the above link will download a MS Word format version of it to your machine from the USSSP FTP site. Other versions in PDF and RTF formats can be perused for possible download by clicking here!

    Skits for Scouts - From the MacScouter, "Skits for Scouts" has been completely revised and now features The MacScouter's Big Book of Skits which can be viewed (and also downloaded for your own use!) Also included here are theme skits, leader skits, walk-on's and links to related sites. Are you looking for books on skits and plays? Visit the MacScouter's Bookstore while you're there.

    Campfire Stunt and Skit Book - An on-line collection of 45 campfire skits presented on the Jim Speirs Scouting Page. All of these skits and more (250 total) have been compiled into a booklet as a fund-raising activity for the 5th Thornhill Scout Troop in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. To get the book click here.

    Campfire Skits from Scouts Australia - This Australian collection of 30 skits includes stunts and sketches that were collected from the Xerox scouting distribution list and contains items from leaders in America and in England. Included are: The Trees, Be Prepared, Napoleon's Last Farewell, The nut house, The Little Green Ball, Club Foot, The Magic Doctors Chair, Three Scout Leaders, The Submarine Captain, Smoke Signals, The Nutty Fisherman, Camp Coffee Sketch, We're Going On Safari, and many, many more!

    "The Skit Library" - A Compendium of Skits from various sources presented on the Unoffical Scouts Canada - Greater Toronto Region Web page. This vast library is presented alphabetically, with a menu allowing user specified selections.

    Skits from Grants Scouting Songbook - A collection of "run ons" or short skits that can be used as fillers in campfires or in many other occasions. Also included are longer skits that include: The Enlarging Machine, The Submarine, Is It Time Yet?, and Yapoocha

    Campfire Sketches - A collection of skits from the Campfire Chaos Web-site. Included are: Paul Smith, Suicide, Donkey, Bus, Six a Side, Father Ted on Camp, and Run Ons

    Seven Steps to Successful Skits - "A group of boys on stage or around the campfire are putting on a skit. Most of them are inaudible. Those you can hear forget their lines. The punch line is smothered in the actors' giggles. Then there is an embarrassing silence before it dawns on the audience that the thing is over, and a patter of polite applause begins." If this sounds familiar, then you need to read this article by Tom Gray, as published in the Netwoods Virtual Campsite.

    Ye Olde Catalogue of Boy Scout Skits - Subtitled "... now where did I put my left-handed smokeshifter ..." This is a nice collection of 47 Boy Scout skits. Some are pretty cool for Cubbies as well.... you decide!

    Skit Ideas - A large assortment of skits from the NetWoods Virtual Campsite. Included are: Canned Skits, Quick Skits, "Measurement Problem," Those Wonderful Machines, The Growing Machine, The Hair Cut Machine, A Quiet Day, and a whole bunch more!

    More Campfire Skits - Some oldies but goodies, along with some new ones from the NetWoods Virtual Campsite. Some really good ones here!

    Campfire Resources - Openings, closings, campfire activities, cheers, and more than 100 skits and their scripts. This link executes a download, and the resultant file is in pkzip format.

    Skits and Productions - 22 Campfile and Stage skits that have been submitted to the US Scouting Service Project. Included are: The Lawn Mower, The Submarine, Is It Time Yet, The Doctor's Magic Chair, The Raisin, Dirty Socks, Seargent and the Private, J.C. Penney, The Lost Quarter, The Short Runway, The Lost Lollipop, A Compass Lesson, Heaven's Gate, Puppy in the Box, New Saw, Measurement Problem, The Dead Body, The Invisible Bench, Go Cart, Fishing and Rowing, The LightHouse.

    120 Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9-rec.scouting) - This file contains a number of skits and yells collected on rec.scouting and scouts-l, for your own Pack meetings and campfires. While the yells are rarely useable outside of the english-speaking countries, most skits are very easy to translate, and the cubs love them! Also included is a compilation of creative ways to light a campfire. If you use them, be careful not to incite the kids to start playing with liquid fuels. The results can be devastating.


    Search the Net for MORE Scouting Skits!


    UseNet Skits Discussions - Search the UseNet discussion groups for 'Cub Scout Skit' ideas. Find that perfect skit!

    SCOUTS-L on Scouting Skits - Search the SCOUTS-L archives for topics involving Scouting Skits. SCOUTS-L is the roundtable that never ends, and now contains over 7 years of Scouting discussion wisdom.

    Search the Web for Scouting Skits - Search the AltaVista index for Web-sites you can visit, that contain information on 'Cub Scout Skits' ideas.

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Games and Fun Stuff

    The Games Compendium - A collection of games suitable for Scouting. It is based on the Scouting Games FAQ with many suggestions from Scouters and Guide leaders. The games in the compendium have been chosen for their ease of preparation and practicality in Scouting today. All of the games in the compendium follow a standard format. Each game has icons for duration and activity making it easy to pick games from the list at a moments notice! Included are: No preparation Games, Races and Relays, Obstacle Courses, Little Preparation Games, Pencil and Paper Games, Memory Games, Water Games, Wide Games, and Strategy Games. WOW!

    Games For All Ages and Purposes - From Steve Tobin's Virtual Campsite, here you will find hundreds of Scout games. Check out "Games for Cubs" and "More Cub Games." Included are: Nature Games , Evening Games, Relay Games, Water Games, and Team Games. Nice!

    Games for Beaver Scouts - From the Scouters at ScoutBase UK, here you will find dozens of games. These games are intended for Cubs in the 1st, and 2nd grades. Included are: Quiet Games, Basic Team Games, Numbered Team Games, Basic Individual Games, Lodge / Six / Patrol Games, Relay Games, and Ball Games.

    Games for Cub Scouts - From the Scouters at ScoutBase UK, here you will find dozens of games. These games are intended for Cubs in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Quiet Games, Basic Team Games, Numbered Team Games, Basic Individual Games, Lodge / Six / Patrol Games, Relay Games, and Ball Games.

    The Great Games Resource - Featured here is the MacScouter's Big Book of Skits. The Big Book has been divided into two volumes, one for younger and one for older Scouts, because the document is roughly 250 pages in length. A GIANT Cub game resource!

    Games (FAQ 11-rec.scouting) Part 1 - This file is Part 1 of the "games FAQ" and includes games collected on rec.scouting, and scouts-l, for your pack, den or troop activities. Due to its size, this FAQ has been split into 2 separate postings. If you know a good game that hasn't been included in this FAQ, please do all of us a favor and post it on rec.scouting. Sending copies to Bill Nelson

    Children's Games and Contests - Maintained by Lady Lźofsige O-Caoimh, known as Lyssa, this collection of games are great for Scouts of all ages. Lyssa says "This started as brief listing of children's games and contests which have been run at events. As I spend more time on the internet and the Rialto, it seems to keep growing. Where possible, if a game is based on a game played in period, documentation references have been provided. Games are indexed in two catagories, Non-Fighting and Fighting and/or Fighting Related." Sounds a lot worse than it is! The weapons are all Nerf! Check it out.

    Games (FAQ 11-rec.scouting) Part 2 - This file is Part 2 of the "games FAQ" If you know a good game that hasn't been included in this FAQ, please do all of us a favour and post it on rec.scouting. Sending copies to Bill Nelson

    Semantic Rhyming Dictionary - A GREAT Web tool you can use to help you write poetry, song lyrics, greeting cards, witticisms, and lots more. Using three phonetic query functions, you can find words that rhyme with, almost rhyme with, or sound exactly the same as a certain target word that you supply.

    Sign Up for Mars! - On December 3, 1999 the Mars Polar Lander will enter the Martian atmosphere encased in a protective shell and travelling at hypersonic speed. Its parachute will open and it will rendezvous with the planet's surface at a predetermined spot within 500 miles of the Martian south pole. NASA invites you of be a part of this historic event. This website's goal is to collect 1 million names of school children from around the world, and combine these names on a CD-ROM that is going to be included in the payload of the Mars Polar Lander.


    Search the Net for MORE Scouting Games!


    UseNet Games Discussions - Search the UseNet rec.scouting discussion groups for 'Cub Scout Games' ideas.

    SCOUTS-L on Scouting Games - Search the SCOUTS-L archives for topics involving Scouting Games. SCOUTS-L is the roundtable that never ends, and now contains over 7 years of Scouting discussion wisdom.

    Search the Web for Scouting Games - Search the AltaVista index for Web-sites you can visit, that contain information on 'Cub Scout Games' ideas.

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